One of my favourite ever orchestral pieces covered by a metal guitarist? How did I not find this earlier?????
I just got some somewhat fond high school memories
Now give this video a short watch:
Oh crap it's that first soundtrack. I remember playing Pineapple Rag for year 12 but I had to give up and choose a different piece because my hands were too small. That's all I want to say, really xD
Probably my favourite orchestral piece ever
I'm back into blues
One of my favourites from The Sims 4
Found some new pieces!
Revisiting Lapfox Trax/Halley Labs
It's been some time since I last listened to vapourwave...
Revisiting the 'splittercore' genre
Recommending pilotredsun's 'Achievement' album
Why I love Balrog's Theme (Cave Story)
Most people think he's a toaster, but apparently he's actually a bar of soap. |
- Kinda clumsy, gives off a sense of stupidity
- Like someone's really TRYING their best to be threatening but it's not exactly working
- You can't take this threat seriously
- This character means business
- You're in real trouble, now!
I think I *really* like double harmonic major now
I discovered a genre: Cybergrind
Re-learning an old piano piece
A breakcore mix I listened to
Thinking too much and feeling a bit guilty
I heard this for the first time in the film and I immediately loved it. It's honestly about time I decided I'd finally listen to this on loop.
Probably the only classical piano piece that doesn't give me bad performance memories
Doing some music theory self-study
Doing this for probably the 5th time already. But I'll try to be more focused and consistant this time, really!
My music theory book. Nothing much to say about it except it's bigger than my usual A5 notebook. |
Also, if I actually do get back into piano lessons with a tutor again, I can also use that as an opportunity to learn some music theory, as well. But I've also been suggested to do a music theory course at my university if using a private tutor isn't going to happen. I don't know exactly which direction I want to go right now, but man, I really want to get better at this.
Thinking about taking piano lessons again
Yep, I'm thinking about learning piano again. For a while I haven't been feeling 100% my best since I stopped learning piano right after I graduated high school. Piano used to be this really regular thing for me and it hasn't been in the past year and a bit. I still really want piano to be a significant part of my life again, especially since I'm really into music (and more than just listening to it, obviously). I hope I get to that, soon.
Recommending 'Conversations' by Stuart Rynn
You ever hear something so impressive you go like, "how 'n the hell do you even come up with this stuff?"
Experimenting with the dorian mode AND an irregular time signature?!
When you've got protagonist duties being slapped right across your face
I just discovered double harmonic major! (Double harmonic major stuff part 1?)
- It's pretty daunting
- As if you're trapped in a seemingly inescapable dark spot
- You can see that there's some means of escape, but it's hard to reach (if not, impossible)
- It just reeks of dispair and false hope (at least, to me)